Smiling student


Two students watching a 3D printer in the FabLab

“四年制大学的学生没有意识到他们头两年要坐冷板凳. At Rose, hands-on learning starts on day one."

— Rose State Faculty Member


— Rose State Dean

“我们有很棒的教员——事实上,我们有教员. Not graduate assistants."

— Rose State Dean

Faculty & Staff

Wireless and Internet

og真人自豪地为我们的学生提供高速互联网接入, faculty, staff, and guests.  下面是一些指导,让你开始使用大学的无线网络. 如果您在访问无线环境时遇到任何问题, 或者如果您需要为无线访问创建一个临时访客访问, please contact I.T. Services by phone at 405.733.7356, email at ,向仁科的官方服务台发送帮助请求,或亲自到我们的总部来.  The I.T. 服务总办公室位于行政大楼的二楼, room 200, and we’re open 8am – 5pm Monday through Friday.  


学院升级网络的最新功能之一是“我的设备门户”. 这个门户允许学生、教师和工作人员注册他们的设备,以便连接到 RSCPublic 学院无线网络自动,无需每次登录. 

In order to get your device on to the RSCPublic 您需要将其添加到“我的设备列表”中. Using your web browser, go to  and login using your network credentials (i.e. 用于登录校园计算机的用户名和密码). 

登录后,按照说明注册最多5个移动设备. 一旦注册,你的设备就可以连接到学院的 RSCPublic wireless network without needing to sign-in. 

When connecting your devices, be sure to use the RSCPublic wireless network and not the RSCPrivate wireless network. 

RSCPublic vs RSCPrivate: What’s the difference?

校园里有两种不同的无线网络, RSCPublic and RSCPrivate. 

The RSCPublic 无线网络是一种未加密的网络,要求用户每次在移动设备上访问互联网时登录到一个“强制门户”页面.

By contrast, the RSCPrivate 无线网络是一种加密网络,需要用户一次性登录验证身份,专为教职员工使用. 

加密和未加密的区别是什么? On the RSCPrivate network, 为了安全起见,在你的设备和无线接入点之间无线传输的信息是加密的. This means your information is safe from prying eyes. When you are using the RSCPublic 网络,无线传输的数据以“明文”形式发送。. 这意味着任何有知识或黑客工具的人都可以“窃听”你的无线通信,看看你在做什么.

Does this mean that RSCPublic is unsafe? Not at all! Whenever you are using Wi-Fi, regardless of whether you are at home, at a coffee shop, or on Rose State’s campus, 确保你访问和登录的网站使用SSL来保证安全. 您可以通过查看浏览器地址栏中的网址并检查该地址是否以“http://”开头来确保正在使用SSL。. 为了您的安全,您的设备和地址为http://的网站之间的任何流量都是加密的. 

How do I get connected to the RSCPrivate Wireless Network? 

The following devices can easily connect to the RSCPrivate wireless network: 

  • Apple Computers (Macbook, iMac, etc.)
  • iOS Devices (iPad, iPhone, etc.)
  • Android Devices (Phones, tablets, etc.) 

However, Windows devices, 比如Windows电脑和基于Windows的手机, require additional device setup before connecting to RSCPrivate. To setup your Windows device to connect to RSCPrivate,请参阅下面的“RSCPrivate”无线网络信息部分.

 "RSCPublic" Wireless Network Information

When using the RSCPublic wireless network to access the internet, 您必须先登录到登录页面,才能访问Internet. This means that if you connect to RSCPublic on your smartphone or tablet device, 在打开浏览器并登录之前,您将无法访问任何网络服务. 或者您现在可以使用新的My Devices Portal为您的设备注册 RSCPublic wireless network at . 

To login:

Find RSCPublic on the list of available networks and connect to it.


If on a Windows device, 你可能会在你的无线图标上看到一个感叹号和一条消息,说“可能需要额外的登录信息”。.

打开浏览器,进入一个网站,比如 or 无论您选择哪个站点,您都将被重定向到玫瑰州无线登录页面.


Simply enter your network username and password (i.e. (用于登录校园计算机的用户名和密码).

You are now connected to the internet. Enjoy! 

[NOTE: 如果你是一个客人到校园,你将需要获得临时登录凭证. Please contact the campus I.T. Services Department by phone at 405.733.7356 or by stopping by our main office in person.  The I.T. 服务总办公室位于行政大楼的二楼, room 200, and we’re open 8am – 5pm Monday through Friday.] 

"RSCPrivate" Wireless Network Information:

When using the RSCPrivate wireless network, 系统将提示您输入用户名和密码,然后才能连接到实际的无线网络. 为了确保所有内部通信都是安全的,这个网络使用802.1x encryption. 这个技术术语仅仅意味着你的无线通信在这个网络上是安全的. Smart devices, such as Android phones & tablets, and Apple devices, such as MacBooks, iPads, & iphone不需要任何额外的配置步骤就可以连接 RSCPrivate 

Guest Access to RSCPublic Wireless

来我们校园的客人可以申请临时的无线网络访客凭证,每次最多使用五天. 如果需要,可以提供更长时间的扩展来宾访问. Please visit the campus I.T. 服务部门要求延长客人访问时间. You will need to be able to provide a photo ID, contact number, email address, the reason for the guest access, and the time frame of your visit to campus. Additionally, you may contact the I.T. Services Department by phone at 405.733.7356, by email at ,或亲自到行政大楼二楼200室. We’re open 8am – 5pm Monday through Friday.